I created a workflow to trigger an HSM after the opening of an email, but it didn't work. Why?

Creado por Flavia Menegazzo, Modificado el Mar, 22 Ago, 2023 a 9:52 A. M. por Flavia Menegazzo

This strategy is very interesting; getting various Spotter functionalities to work together to automate and simplify your prospecting process can be a successful endeavor. But we need to align a few points here!

The order of factors alters the product.

If you create a campaign and some leads open the email from that campaign, there's no point in creating the workflow to send the HSM to those who have already opened that email. When a workflow is set up, it will perform actions and create activities only for future situations that match the trigger.

The workflow cannot perform actions in situations that have already occurred before it was created, meaning it doesn't work retroactively.

But in the next email openings after the workflow is created, it will send the HSM to those leads ;)

So remember: we can't change the past, but we can create a new future!

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