Understand the Manager Dashboard - Spotter V2

Created by Andre Greiner, Modified on Tue, 28 Mar, 2023 at 2:55 PM by Andre Greiner

The manager's dashboard in Spotter displays data that allows controlling the operation from the pre-sales pipeline to the quality of opportunities, in addition to taking advantage of the pre-sales schedule.


IMPORTANT:  If you want to customize your Dashboard view, read this article: How to Customize the Dashboard — Spotter V2




The reference period of the data displayed on the dashboard can be changed in the upper right corner. By default, the dashboard shows data for the current month, counting from the first to the last day of the month. You can change this period by clicking on the date. Each card has its own period control, but when the date at the top of the dashboard changes, all cards on the dashboard change. With the exception of the pipeline chart by season, all cards show activity over the period.


It is possible to show data for the day, month or customize a specific period. The default period can be changed by clicking on the star icon next to the date. 




The main objective of the productivity card is to present how production is progressing within the pre-established time frame. For this, at each stage of the funnel, you can check a graph corresponding to lead conversions (blue) and another referring to discarded leads (gray). The exact amount can be viewed by positioning the mouse over the column. It is worth mentioning that any of the graphics presented in this card are dynamic, bringing more detailed information about the leads, in their respective stages once clicked on them. 

pre-sale production

It shows the progress of pre-sales production, divided by pre-sales, within the time pre-established by the user. For this, the card brings a table that presents all the stages of the lead base. As the funnel configuration undergoes updates, that is, creations and deletions of steps, these are also assisted by this card. This table shows the number of leads that each pre-salesperson acted within that period, and the total of how many leads were worked on in that stage in question. 


It is worth mentioning that the actions performed by the pre-salesperson in question are counted. For example, if you have a Pre-Salesperson A who also works as a Salesperson, and Pre-Salesperson B performs a meeting scheduling action for Pre-Salesperson A, on this card the action will only be counted for Pre-Salesperson B , because he was the one who made the appointment. That is, the actions are directly linked to the pre-seller.

Another important point to be mentioned is that every time a lead is transferred from one pre-salesperson to another, the actions counted for the new pre-salesperson are from the post-transfer moment. Metrics prior to this moment remain under the responsibility of the former pre-seller.


This card also has the option of filtering by the name of the pre-seller, through the mechanism found in the upper right corner of the card and also the sorting of the presentation of the data of each stage, ascending or descending, by clicking on the name of each step. 

Pre-sale metrics

It presents, in a table format, metrics and call time — in addition to the main funnel activities, by pre-salesperson, within a pre-established period. For this, it has fixed columns referring to:

  • Call time: Sum of the pre-salesperson's conversation time on all calls made.

  • Number of Calls: Number of calls made by the pre-seller. All calls made more than 0 seconds are counted, regardless of the result of the call (such as voice mail, non-existent number). If the connection has been registered manually, it is also accounted for.

  • Cancellations: Number of canceled meetings. The same lead can have more than one cancellation even without having been discarded before. Please note that meetings marked as 'did not occur' in Meeting Feedback do not count in this column.

  • Registration/Retrieval: Leads registered/retrieved manually or received/retrieved through integration (this metric consolidates the total number of entries + the total number retrieved).

  • Appointments: Number of appointments made. A lead can only have more than one appointment if it is discarded and later retrieved, entering the lead base again. It brings up appointments looking back at the original appointment date, i.e. the first time the meeting was scheduled.

  • Rescheduling: Number of meetings rescheduled for another time/vendor or those canceled and later rescheduled. The same lead can be rescheduled more than once even without having been dropped before.

  • Sales: Amount of sales associated with the pre-seller in the selected period. This metric will always consider the date on which the sale occurred and not the sales action within the system.

  • Feedbacks Received: Number of meeting feedbacks answered by sellers. If the seller has informed that the meeting did not take place, this action is not counted in any metric. What happens in this case is that the lead returns to the previous step and can be rescheduled again.


Quality of Meetings

The idea of this card is to present, as the name implies, how good meetings that have already taken place are. For a meeting to be counted on this card, it must have been completed, regardless of whether feedback is pending. For this, it brings the following information:

Total meetings: It counts the number of meetings that have already taken place within the determined period;
Received: Number of meetings that already have feedback answered;
Pending: Number of meetings with pending feedback
Not Qualified: Meetings not yet qualified.

Graphically it is also possible to analyze the temperature of the meetings: Very hot, hot, warm, cold and frozen.


By default, we only consider leads classified as “hot” and “very hot” as qualified, and it is recommended that at least 60% of scheduled meetings are qualified.

IMPORTANT: If there are many “frozen”, “cold” and “warm” feedbacks, it is important  to review the filters  and even the  prospected markets . And remember that you can always count on us to help you. 

Quality of Meetings — SQL 

Every time the user is enabled to use SQL - Sales Qualified Leads (Do you want to continue negotiating?), the quality of the meetings can be analyzed through this card. The main idea here is to present the leads that during the use of SQL had the qualified meeting and which ones were discarded. For this, it contains a chart that accounts for each of these aspects. The 'SQL' tag, found on this card, corresponds to meetings that responded 'YES' to using the question 'Do you want to continue negotiating?'. As for those who opted for the 'NO' answer, they can be verified by the 'Rejected' tag. It is worth mentioning that this information is dynamic, that is, once clicked on it, a details screen opens, deepening the information corresponding to the leads that had such evaluations.



This card brings information pertinent to the filters used during the funnel process. In the upper right corner, the user has the possibility to choose which filter he wants to analyze. Once selected, the qualification that the leads received in it is shown in the graph. This qualification is made by the temperatures 'Very hot', 'Hot', 'Warm', 'Cold' and 'Frozen'. The graph shows the number of leads with that qualification, as well as the corresponding percentage of the total analyzed leads, within the predetermined period.


Sales Metrics

The 'Sales Metrics' card has the main objective of presenting, in a table format, the metrics and call time, in addition to the main funnel activities, by salesperson, within a period pre-established by the user. For this, it has fixed columns referring to:

  • Call time: Sum of the seller's conversation time on all calls made.

  • Number of Calls: Number of calls made by the seller. All calls made more than 0 seconds are counted, regardless of the result of the call (Mailbox, non-existent number).

  • Scheduled meetings: Refers to the number of meetings scheduled for the seller in question. It's worth noting that if you have a pre-vendor who also has vendor assignments, they will also appear on this card. Unlike 'Pre-sales metrics', which in the Appointments column only shows the appointments that this user has scheduled, in this column, on this card, the meetings that he has scheduled for himself and those that other pre-salespeople have scheduled will be displayed. for him too.

  • Occurred Meetings: Displays all meetings that were completed and had feedback response.

  • Pending feedbacks: Brings the amount of feedbacks from meetings that have not yet been answered.

  • Cancellations: Number of canceled meetings. The same lead can have more than one cancellation even without having been discarded before. Please note that meetings marked as 'did not occur' in the Meeting Feedback are not counted in this column.

  • Sales: Amount of sales made by the seller.

Sellers' Production

The focus is the production analysis, within the pre-established time, making references to sellers, and no longer to pre-sellers. Overall, it looks at pre-sales production, looking at the activities performed by salespeople. For this, the card brings a table that presents all the stages of the lead base. As the funnel configuration undergoes updates, that is, creations and deletions of steps, these are also assisted by this card. This table shows the number of leads that each salesperson worked on within that period, and the total of how many leads were worked on in that stage in question.

This card also has the option of filtering by seller's name, using the mechanism in the upper right corner of the card, as well as ordering the presentation of data for each step, ascending or descending, by clicking on the name of each stage.

IMPORTANT:  This card will only appear on the Management Dashboard if there is a salesperson with direct access  to Spotter, as the metric is directly related to interactions with the lead. 


The Safra card's main objective is to present the state of the pipeline within a predetermined period, referring to the registered leads. With it, it is possible to identify bottlenecks at the base of the funnel. It is also worth mentioning that this card does not currently include the 'Skip Steps' functionality — and when any change in the funnel is made in a way that impacts the consistency of the data, a message will be shown, informing the user of what happened.
For this, it is configured with a bar graph, where the X axis is composed by the steps of the 'Leads Base' and the Y axis by the 'Number of Leads', being subdivided into: Converted / Restarted / Parked / Discarded, where :

  • Converted: Number of leads that were converted from step X to step Y;
  • Parked: Number of leads that are on stand-by in step X;
  • Discarded: Number of leads that were passed over in step X;
  • Restarted: Number of Leads that had their cycle restarted.

IMPORTANT: In the case of leads whose cycle was  restarted or recovered , they will appear according to the selected period respecting the date on which the new cycle was started, not the date on which it was registered.  


It is also possible to notice that between one stage and another, a percentage is placed, which is equivalent to the conversion that the previous stage had in relation to the next closest stage, based on the total number of leads that entered that stage. The card also brings the possibility of the details screen, once clicking on each bar. In other words, it is possible to check more in-depth information of the leads that are referenced. 


Liaison Feedback (managerial)

To better understand this card, it is necessary to pay attention to the step that comes before it: when a pre-salesperson makes a call, there is the possibility of requesting feedback from the manager. So that he can do this, on the lead's Details screen, on the card acknowledging the call record, there will be a link with the following text: “Request Call Feedback'. By clicking on it, a screen similar to the image below will open. At the bottom of this screen is a button that allows you to request feedback from the manager.


Once this scenario has been established, it will be possible to enter the Link Feedback card - managerial. This card is made up of two tabs corresponding to 'Requests' and 'Sent'.

  • Requests : Refers to feedback requested by pre-salespeople to the manager. It consists of the columns:

Answered: When checked, it indicates that the manager has already given the requested feedback;
Lead: Refers to which lead is being treated;
Pre-salesperson: Pre-salesperson responsible for this lead, and who requested feedback;
Date: when feedback was requested. When hovering over the date, you will find a message icon. Clicking on it, a screen will be opened, containing information about the call, its recording and a space where the manager can put his comments. 

  • Sent : Lists the feedback history made by the manager. It consists of the columns:

Resolved: If the pre-salesperson/manager reports this issue as resolved, it will appear marked in the table.
Points:Displays the score obtained in the call feedback. The sum of the scores per star is performed, divided by the number of evaluation criteria and multiplied by two.

Practical example 

Sum of Stars = 5 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 23
Rating Criteria = 5
Points = (23/5) * 2

Lead : Refers to which lead is being treated;
Pre-salesperson : Pre-salesperson responsible for this lead, and who requested feedback;
Viewed: When the feedback was viewed;
Date : When the feedback was responded to.


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