This article was developed with the objective of explaining each of the features contained in the Searching Prospects List screen.


If you want to learn how to Create Prospect Lists , click here . 


IMPORTANT:  Users with a pre-seller profile will only be able to access Searching if permission has been granted by their Manager.

Follow the steps described below to view the list of prospects quickly and easily.

1. Log in to the Exact Spotter page.

aEnter your email and password, then click Sign In .

2. Access Searching   located on Spotter's side menu. 

3.  Go to Prospect List


Opening the Prospect Lists  screen,  you will identify the search field for the lists, where you can filter by name; number of prospects and creation date. 


It is possible to filter by type of list as well.




Qualified lists:  Lists that have already gone through the information validation process;


Lists in the qualification queue:  Lists that are  waiting  in the information qualification queue (e-mail; telephone);


Lists in qualification; Lists that are in  the process of qualifying  information (e-mail; telephone).


In the  list grid  , you will get the main information of the lists created, such as:  Name of the list, Requested amount of  prospects,  Creation date and   Qualification status .

The use of this list will only be possible after Spotter completes the qualification. You will receive an email notification (email of the user who created the list), informing you of the completion of the qualification. Remembering that it can take up to 4 hours to complete, due to the number of  prospects .


You will know the exact percentage of the qualification of the list, after receiving the completion e-mail, through the  Status .

Prospect list options  :

Share  Prospects  ) Use this feature to distribute prospects  among pre-salespeople. 

Read the article:  Searching - How to distribute prospects to pre-salespeople  to learn more .


Edit  Prospects List  ( ):  To edit the created list, just click on the pencil icon shown on the side. If the list has already been qualified, it cannot be edited.


Cancel Enrichment / Delete List  ( ): By pressing the three dots icon, you can delete the created list or cancel the enrichment. If you click cancel enrichment,  the list creation and qualification action (e-mail / telephone) will be cancelled.

Create a list and now, how do I visualize the information of the  Prospects ?


To view the information of the  Prospects  in the created list, just click on its name.

Understand the list information;

• Filters : The filters performed in the search for  prospects will be displayed ;


• Delivered  Prospects  : The total number of  prospects  contained in this list will be displayed. This amount will only be different from the initial amount if any  prospect  from this filter is already on another list. The amount paid for these duplicates will be reversed.

• List accuracy : The number of  prospects  who had at least one of their information qualified as existing (email or phone) will be displayed. 

• Creation date:  List creation date will be displayed.


• Status : The Status of the list will be displayed.

Is there a possibility to buy prospects that are already in my sales funnel?

No! Spotter checks to validate all the leads that are in its base, to avoid repeat acquisitions.


What information is validated?

If a prospect is identified with the same CNPJ as a lead in your base, he is not included in the purchase list.

If the lead does not have a registered CNPJ (either by default or custom field), Spotter will verify it through the Lead Name ; Site; Telephone (Company and Contact) and Contact E-mail.

IMPORTANT:  Searching considers a repeat prospect to have at least TWO information equal to the Lead in your Funnel. Example: Lead Name and Website; Lead name and contact email, etc.  

Always keep the registration  complete and updated  to avoid acquiring   existing leads . 


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