This permission is intended to enable the feature of listening to the audio of calls by pre-sellers.

Generally, the resource of opening the audio of the calls  is used when there is a need to listen to the call to solve any doubts, confirm some information or when the pre-seller wants to study the quality of his calls.

By default, pre-sales users do not have access to the feature to open call audio. With this permission, he will have more autonomy to manage calls and  leads .

Follow the step by step below to learn how to open the audio of calls quickly and easily.

1.  Log in to the Exact Spotter page . 

a. Enter your email and password and click  Sign in .


2.  Access the side menu  >  Lead List  . 


3.  Open the record of a  lead  that has already been called and filter the action in the history. To do so, leave only the connection icon enabled. 


4.  When viewing the results, just click on  play  to hear the audio of the call


IMPORTANT :  If you access the  lead 's registration  and cannot play  the  calls, check your permission level with the Manager, as there are individual, group and complete level permissions. To understand more about spotter permissions, click here.  

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